Monday, June 16, 2008

My Choice?

So, I had a pretty solid weekend. I was a little sore from the Neupogen, but overall felt good. Melissa and I had a nice relaxing weekend, watching movies and episodes of 24 all day Saturday and Sunday. Today, I had my next round of Rituxan. The treatment went very smooth - Melissa and I watched the US Open playoff (She was rooting for Rocco, and I was rooting for Tiger), which helped pass the time. Afterwards, we had lunch, then I took a nap and she headed back to BC. Through the evening I felt fine, except ridiculously hot. I'm afraid to get my Utilities Bill next month - I've been cranking my AC non-stop...

I talked to Scott, Dr. Weeks' nurse, about the change in my schedule from 21-Day Cycles to 28-Day Cycles. Scott said that Dr. Weeks did that because of the Rituxan - he wanted to do four "loading doses" before resuming with the treatment. This confuses me. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, indicates 21-Day Cycles. That was the plan he laid out back in May. This was the plan that the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance agreed with. This is what all documentation given to me said. This is what just about every website out there says is normal for the R-CHOP treatment.

Anyway, Scott followed up with Dr. Weeks for me, and Dr. Weeks said that I could go with either - my choice. So of course I immediately said I wanted 21-Day Cycles. 1) That was the plan from the beginning, 2) Friends and Family have planned travel schedules around that assumption, and 3) 21-Day Cycles get me done in September instead of November. Scott said that was fine, and left me at that. But this still feels kinda strange. I talked to Drew to see what he had to say, and he finds it very odd too. He's going to discuss with some of his doctor buddies in Oakland and get back to me if he gets any advice, as he is not too familiar with this regimen. I also left a message with Dr. Petersdorf at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, and I plan to talk to Dr. Weeks directly tomorrow, instead of through Scott. I will keep everyone posted, but it looks like all is going as planned for 6/23.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Dana
I live in Seattle and had my Rituxan infusion Wednesday. I was diagnosed in the year 2000 with NHL B-cell type and was started on CVP (cytoxan, vincristine and prednisone) - then Rituxan was approved by the Fed drug people, just after the CVP was finished - so I had 4 doses of Rit. My lymphoma was 4 x 10 cm near my kidney (it had pinched my left ureter so no urine could leave my left kidney, and also blocked a big blood vessel, which caused my foot to swell - sausage-like) which is why I went to the doc to start with. After the 4 weekly doses of Rituxan, the growth was gone. Anyway, I am now on an every 3 month regimen of Rituxan as a maintenance dose. Last week my CT scan was still clear of any growth - so I feel wonderful. I'm 72 years old and have all my pep back - work in the yard, lunch with friends and enjoy life every day. Good luck to you, Dana - I have great confidence you will get thru this too - Dr. S. Petersdorf is my doc, too. Such a good guy. and SCCA truly provides good care. Well, this is longer than I meant to go on - Oh - one more thing. I am constantly having hot flashes. I woke up at 3 AM today roasting so got up and read all your blog entries. You have all you need to survive - great docs, miracle drug, family and friends supporting you.

Your blog was so good for me - made me feel happy.

So long,
Carol B