Monday, June 9, 2008

Change of Plans?

So I was thrown for a bit of a loop this morning. I went to the hospital for my daily Neupogen shot, and while I was there, Dr. Weeks' office called me and told me that he wanted me to have the Rituxan infused weekly for the next four weeks, rather just at the start of each of my cycles. Not a big deal, as I can have that outpatient, so I headed over to the Cancer Center at 2:00 to have this infusion.

The Rituxan is an interesting "drug". No nausea, only a little fatigue, but it causes my heart to race pretty quickly, and they have to keep an eye on me during the treatment to make sure that nothing goes wrong. (Nothing did.) I finished that around 5:00 PM, and then was REALLY thrown off.

Suzie, the chemotherapy nurse, brought me a schedule of appointments that I will have. Each Monday for the next three weeks is Rituxan - no problem there. However, they have me set to start my next cycle on June 30 instead of June 23. This completely confuses me, as I was told that these were 21 day cycles, and the calendar even says "C2D1" on the 23rd (cycle 2, day 1). I asked Suzie about this and she didn't have any answers. She was given this by Scott (Dr. Weeks nurse), and I would need to bring it up with him, so I will call him in the morning. I've got people making all sorts of travel/vacation/work plans based on a 21 day cycle this summer, so I need to get this straightened out ASAP.

Once I got home, I got really, really hot again. I basically sat around all evening in my basketball shorts, playing poker, IMing with Melly, and eating ice cream. Melissa has decided that I need to have a 30th birthday party. A big one. In Vegas. So we began planning a 30th Birthday/End of Treatment Extravaganza the first weekend of December. Save the date!

Overall, I'm feeling much much better, and am on target to return to work on Wednesday.


Unknown said...

Congrats on the wings victory! I saw the photo on Melissa's facebook page of you smiling and wearing the jersey :) YAY!

I am glad to hear the Rituxan sits well with you- I have been speaking with my mom (who is a doctor here in Vancouver) and she said that the heart racing is fairly normal with that particular drug- and usually nausea comes with it- so sounds like your body is taking well to it (as much as it can be).

After reading your entries, it sounds like I have found someone who enjoys ice cream as much as I do :) It is my favorite snack in the world- I could eat it for breakfast, lunch or dinner lol.... and it is a good source of calcium lol at least that is how I justify it :)

Wow- a 30th birthday party in Vegas! Sounds awesome! I know with Melissa planning it will be a blast! That girl is the definition of FUN!

Take care and I hope everything gets sorted out with your cycle schedule!

Big Hugs!
-Willa Potter

Anonymous said...

She is planning a birthday party in Vegas...... Now that girl is a keeper.

mizash said...

Hey Dana...
so as much as I am not over the fact that the Canucks didn't even make the playoffs (tear..) I was happy that Detroit took it...I have always secretly hated the penguins...for a young team they sure do play hard...but not hard enough...ha ha ha!

I realize that as far as the NHL is concerned my favorite team is not so great and I am totally fine with that..we have a good goal tender though, okay, okay...MOST of the time. If I had to pick an American team (as much as it pains me to do so) I'd have to pick Colorado...I realize that it is awkward for me to pick my favorite team's arch rivals, but that's how I roll...

So I heard this joke the other day, want to hear it? Do you have a choice? lol

So there is a cowboy and an indian sitting in a bar. A beautiful woman walks in, the cowboy moseys on over to her and says, "howdy mam, tickle your ass with a feather?" The woman, obviously offended, replies "WHAT?!" The cowboy saves himself with "um, coming in out of the cold weather??". The woman who had obvioulsy misheard him replies, "oh...yeah!". Second beaituful woman walks in and he goes through the same thing...he offends her with his comment, but eventually finds something that sounds close to what he had asked her. A thrid woman walks in, cowboy moseys on over and asks her is he may tickle her ass with a his suprise she replies, "YES!" The cowboy takes her upstairs where they proceed to knock boots for hours...

The indian who has been quietly observing the cowboy asks him when he comes down staris, "how did you do that? How did you get that woman to sleep with you?"

The cowboy says, "trial and error...see, say something perverted like tickle your ass with a feather and if she acts all offended say something that sounds something about the weather."

"oh, okay." says the Indian. He waits patiently until a beautiful woman walks in...he walks up to her and says "Hi lady, how about you and me go knock some boots." The woman looks at him, obviously VERY offended, and says "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?" The Indian remembering how the cowboy taught him how to save himself says..."Nice day eh?"

Hope it cracked a smile. Take care, see you soon!!
ash xo